Does 310 Shake Work For Weight Loss

310 Shake Review: Does It Work For Weight Loss?

Interested in 310 Shake by 310 Nutrition, or have a lofty goal to become healthier and reach a healthy weight that you can actually maintain? 310 Shakes are our top-rated meal replacement shakes on, so we’re going to do a deep dive into why we believe they are indeed helpful for weight loss and overall health. 

We’ll answer your questions and provide resources to help you make an informed decision, plus recommend action steps on what to do next. 

About 310 Nutrition:

310 Nutrition is a healthy lifestyle brand that has risen in the ranks within the last decade, beginning with “top-quality meal replacement shakes” and expanding to also offer additional healthy lifestyle products. 

When it comes to weight loss and weight management, we found particular interest in the 310 Nutrition Shakes brand, due to the fact that the shakes include high-quality ingredients with no fillers, but also are low in calories, with no sugar and well-balanced macronutrients for satiety. 

Let’s break down each element a bit more to get a closer look at why you might choose 310 Shakes for weight loss.

310 Shake

310 Shake Pros For Weight Loss:

310 Nutrition is a healthy lifestyle brand that has risen in the ranks within the last decade, beginning with “top-quality meal replacement shakes” and expanding to also offer additional healthy lifestyle products. 

When it comes to weight loss and weight management, we found particular interest in the 310 Nutrition Shakes brand, due to the fact that the shakes include high-quality ingredients with no fillers, but also are low in calories, with no sugar and well-balanced macronutrients for satiety. 

Let’s break down each element a bit more to get a closer look at why you might choose 310 Shakes for weight loss.


Low Calorie Content

310 Shakes are just 110 calories per serving. Based on customer reviews in the expansive online community, this is highly-beneficial because they can be enjoyed on their own (mixed with just water) as low-calorie meals, or used as a base to add additional healthy ingredients in smoothies. In this way, you can have a low or higher-calorie meal based on your needs.

No Sugar

While many meal replacement shakes contain some type of added sugar, 310 Shakes do not. They’re sweetened with Stevia and monk fruit in some of their flavors. Sugar addiction is one of the top reasons that people aren’t able to lose weight and keep it off, and added sugar in any form being consumed throughout the day will continue to fuel that addiction.(1) 310 Shakes help to satisfy sugar cravings while providing a healthier alternative.

Balanced Protein Blend

310 Shakes utilize a proprietary “Tri-Plex” protein blend, including what they state is the optimal amount of three plant-based proteins (pea, brown rice and pumpkin), in order to promote a healthy metabolism, lean muscle growth, and satiety/fullness within the body. Unlike whey proteins, which incorporate a large percentage of the diet shake market, plant-based proteins are becoming more prevalent for their potential additional health perks including reduced cholesterol and added nutritional benefits.

Superfood - Mushrooms
Superfood/ Adaptogen

Each 310 Shake contains a variety of valuable fruits, veggies, herbs and even adaptogen mushrooms – known for stress support and additional wellness benefits. These ingredients contribute to satiety while supporting a balanced body and mind that is better able to stay on track with goals and not reach for calorie-rich foods out of anxiety or emotional distress.(2)

310 Shakes: Are There Any Cons?

Now let’s take a look at if there are any cons that you need to be aware of when it comes to 310 Shakes. Taking a look at numerous customer reviews online, it’s obvious there are more positive comments than negative, however, we did take note of some things that stood out.


310 Shake
Rotating Flavors

310 Shakes are available in core flavors (including Chocolate Bliss, Vanilla Creme, Caramel Sundae and more), along with seasonal or Limited Edition flavors that only are available for a short time. Customers have talked about their disappointment that some of their favorite flavors have disappeared and then do not return for long periods of time or at all, but other reviewers have mentioned that by putting the shakes on subscription, you’re guaranteed to keep getting them when they aren’t on the site anymore. (3)

310 Shake
Better to Be “All In”

Whereas 310 Shakes can be enjoyed sporadically or as a way to supplement a healthy diet, there’s a proven system for using the shakes for weight loss and weight management. The company recommends joining the expansive 310 Facebook Community for motivation and professional health guidance; adding shakes on subscription in order to stay on track with a 1-2 shake per day schedule; and utilizing additional 310 health products like appetite-suppressing lemonades and superfood juices to get the most benefits from the program – for the best results.

310 Shakes: Community & Social Proof

When it comes to customer testimonials, there’s a specific page on the company website highlighting these. In addition, there’s numerous stories in online social channels, especially the Facebook Community, that also sheds light on how the shakes work and potential benefits.

310 Shake
Best out there!

I love trying the starter kit, lets you see what kind of options you have. You can get a sample of things before buying the actual size. I love the chocolate shake! I add in a banana, and my collagen and I’m good to go, keeps me full. Love this product and will continue to buy it!”

-Arleena F. reviewing the 310 Nutrition Starter Kit
310 Shake
310 Tropical Coconut Shake

“I love it. I love the taste, and It keeps my blood sugar where it should be.”

-Beth G. reviewing 310 Tropical Coconut Shake
310 Metaboost
Great for me.

It’s been great for me to not be hungry all the time. I eat less and do not eat random snacks throughout the day. Helps me lose the 10 lbs I wanted to get off and keeps me maintain that weight.”

-Tucker H. reviewing 310 Metaboost

Next Steps

What are the best next steps for your health journey?

310 Shakes are available in a 310 Starter Kit that allows you to try their core classic shake flavors. It comes with a shaker cup to mix up shakes on-the-go, as well as additional guides and recipe books to help you get started. 

In addition, you can upgrade the kit to also receive more servings of shakes, if you wish to be “all-in” with the program, and make the most out of your new routine.

More questions about 310 Shakes?


  1. Avena, N. M., Rada, P., & Hoebel, B. G. (2008). Evidence for sugar addiction: Behavioral and neurochemical effects of intermittent, excessive sugar intake. Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews.
  2. Panossian, A., & Wikman, G. (2010, January 19). Effects of adaptogens on the central nervous system and the molecular mechanisms associated with their stress-protective activity. Pharmaceuticals (Basel, Switzerland).
  3. 310 Facebook Community messages:
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We’re a team of dedicated and diverse health professionals with proven expertise in the fields of full-body wellness, nutrition, beauty, and fitness. We aim to research and write honest, cutting-edge product reviews and informational articles on relevant health topics that help you make wise, informed buying decisions.

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